Posts tagged tarot spreads
Sowing & Reaping: A Tarot Spread for Spring

With the arrival of spring, practitioners may adapt their magical rituals and spells to align with these strong themes of growth, transformation, and new beginnings. As the earth awakens, so too does the magic within each of us, and divination becomes a powerful tool for uncovering the opportunities ahead and navigating the path to personal growth and fulfillment. A spring Tarot reading offers insights into the fresh beginnings, new challenges, and the potential for personal development that this season brings, providing a mirror to reflect the magical essence of springtime.

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In With the New: Unlocking the New Year With Tarot

With the passing of each new year, many people turn to divination to see what the coming year has in store for them. The Gregorian New Year has only just occurred, and, while some of you may still be recovering from New Year festivities, now is the perfect time to look toward the year to come. Instead of focusing on resolutions and pressuring ourselves needlessly, these tarot spreads are instead intended to reflect on the year now behind us and the year to come ahead of us. In this piece, you’ll find six spread in total, each easily customizable to meet your unique needs – two versions of an Out With the Old, In With the New spread, a 12-Month Tarot Spread, two versions of a 6-Month Tarot Spread, and the Wheel of the Year Spread, each offering a glimpse into the year to come in their own special way.

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Horn of Plenty, and Other Autumn Tarot Spreads

Tarot as a means of divination has long been used to aid those seeking guidance and is ideal for those who question how they move forward, how they can let go of the past, and what may await them further up the road. In this piece, you’ll find three spreads that are perfect to incorporate into your autumn readings – the Horn of Plenty (for those thinking about or hoping to start a new project or endeavor), the Witch’s Tree (for those looking to grow or change in their practice, or those questioning where their magical journey should be focused), and the Starburst (for those who are leaning into change). Though these spreads use up to eight cards, beginners need not be intimidated. You can customize your spread, cutting down on the number of cards pulled to shorten your reading and get down to the meat of the matter. Feel free to alter your spreads to meet your needs.

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