In With the New: Unlocking the New Year With Tarot

With the passing of each new year, many people turn to divination to see what the coming year has in store for them. The Gregorian New Year has only just occurred, and, while some of you may still be recovering from New Year festivities, now is the perfect time to look toward the year to come. Instead of focusing on resolutions and pressuring ourselves needlessly, these tarot spreads are instead intended to reflect on the year now behind us and the year to come ahead of us. In this piece, you’ll find six spread in total, each easily customizable to meet your unique needs – two versions of an Out With the Old, In With the New spread, a 12-Month Tarot Spread, two versions of a 6-Month Tarot Spread, and the Wheel of the Year Spread, each offering a glimpse into the year to come in their own special way.



Version 1:

This spread offers the chance to reflect on last year, help us see what to let go of and bring with us from the previous year, as well as look into the year to come.

1: Last year’s highlight or high point
2: Last year’s low point or most trying issue
3: What to bring with you in this new year
4: What to leave behind and let go of from last year
5, 6, 7: The essence of the year to come, your overall theme of this year
8, 9: Challenges you’ll face this year
10, 11: Advice you’ll need this year
12, 13: The overall outcome of the new year


Version 2:

This stripped-down version of the Out With the Old, In With the New Spread is perfect for readers of all levels, using less cards and a more direct line of questioning.

1: What to let go of from last year
2: What to bring with you from last year
3: The general essence or overall theme of this year
4: Your biggest challenge this coming year
5: Advice you’ll need
6: The general outcome



This easy 12-Month spread is beginner-friendly, simply lay out a card for each of the 12 months, each card representing the theme or tidings that month will bring with it.

1: January
2: February
3: March
4: April
5: May
6: June
7: July
8: August
9: September
10: October
11: November
12: December



Version 1:

This first version of the 6-Month spread is exactly like the 12-month spread above but focuses on the six months coming just ahead instead of the whole year.

1: Month 1
2: Month 2
3: Month 3
4: Month 4
5: Month 5
6: Month 6


Version 2:

This version of the 6-Month spread offers a more detailed look at the next six months, revealing both the highs and lows of each month to come.

1: The high point of month 1
2: The low point of month 1
3: The high point of month 2
4: The low point of month 2
5: The high point of month 3
6: The low point of month 3
7: The high point of month 4
8: The low point of month 4
9: The high point of month 5
10: The low point of month 5
11: The high point of month 6
12: The low point of month 7



This tarot spread offers a look at each passing month of the year and what it has to offer, as well as the central theme you’ll face this year, or the card that represents your year to come.

1: The overall theme and energy for you this year / The card that best represents this coming year for you
2: January
3: February
4: March
5: April
6: May
7: June
8: July
9: August
10: September
11: October
12: November
13:  December