Posts tagged spring
Spring Cleansing: Transforming Your Practice This Spring

Many witches and magic-folk are inspired by the seasons—some because their practice dictates it and others simply because they enjoy moving in step with the natural world. With each change of the seasons, witches and other members of the magical community can harness the energy of spring for personal renewal, transformation, rebirth and cleansing. This energy lends itself perfectly to cleaning up and cleansing up our magical practices, supplies, and spaces. Just as we clear mundane spaces of dust and clutter during spring cleaning, our magical lives can also benefit from a thorough spiritual refresh during the spring season.

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Sowing & Reaping: A Tarot Spread for Spring

With the arrival of spring, practitioners may adapt their magical rituals and spells to align with these strong themes of growth, transformation, and new beginnings. As the earth awakens, so too does the magic within each of us, and divination becomes a powerful tool for uncovering the opportunities ahead and navigating the path to personal growth and fulfillment. A spring Tarot reading offers insights into the fresh beginnings, new challenges, and the potential for personal development that this season brings, providing a mirror to reflect the magical essence of springtime.

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