Under the Thin Veil: Herbs & Spells for Personal and Spiritual Protection

Note: Herbal magic can be a beautiful and empowering practice, but it should always be approached with mindfulness and respect for both the natural world and your own health. The information provided here is intended as a general guideline, and individual circumstances may vary. It is your responsibility to ensure that your magical practices are safe and appropriate for your unique situation.

As the leaves change and the air takes on a crisp chill, the magical energy of autumn permeates the air. This time of year is not only visually enchanting but also spiritually potent. During this period, the veil between the worlds is thin, making it an ideal time to focus on spiritual/magical protection and warding off negative energies. Herbs and other plant allies are just some of the many tools that are at a magical practitioner’s disposal. Their versatile energies make them extremely potent instruments for various rituals, spells, and charms.  


The Protective Power of Herbs & Resins

Herbs have been an integral part of witchcraft for centuries, and their protective properties can be harnessed to shield against malevolent forces. Here are some herbs that are particularly effective during autumn and Samhain:

  • Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris): Mugwort is useful in magic for divination, protection, and psychic enhancement, making it a powerful ally for practitioners seeking protection while working with spirits and seeking magical insight. Burn dried mugwort as incense or keep it under your pillow to enhance psychic abilities, protect against negative energies, and aid in astral projection.

  • Garden Sage (Salvia officinalis): Varieties of sages are used in the magical community for cleansing, purifying, and protection. Use the smoke from burning sage to cleanse and purify spaces, objects, and yourself, creating a protective barrier against negativity.

  • Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis): Rosemary is a potent herbal ally for magic to gain protection, clarity, and memory. Place a sprig of rosemary above doorways or carry it as an amulet for protection. Appropriately diluted rosemary oil can also be applied to the body for protection, or to doorways and windows to create a protective ward for the home.

  • Pine (Pinus spp.): Pine is used in magic for endurance, resilience, and protection. It can be used to call on inner strength to get through tough times. Incorporate pine needles, cones, or branches into protective spells and decorations to symbolize strength and resilience against negative spiritual influences.

  • Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia): Rowan is a shrubby tree that is used for wards, protection, and divination. It has long been significant to practitioners of magic, used to ward off malevolent spirits and to protect travelers. Hang a rowan branch above doorways or windows for protection. Rowan berries can also be used in divination rituals.

  • Juniper (Juniperus communis): Juniper is an evergreen tree that is used by many magical practitioners for protection, purification, and banishing. Burn juniper berries or needles as incense for purification, protection, and banishing negative energies.

  • Yarrow (Achillea millefolium): Yarrow is a potent flowering herb that can be used for protection, divination, and healing. Carry dried yarrow as an amulet for protection, use it in divination, or incorporate it into healing spells.

  • Cedar (Cedrus spp.) & False Cedar Varieties: Cedar and false cedars can all be useful in magic for purification, protection, and grounding. Cedar branches, chips, and sawdust can be used to cleanse and purify spaces. Use the wood and other tree parts in sachets or incense for protection.

  • Thyme (Thymus vulgaris): Thyme is a pungent herb that is useful for purification, protection, and finding courage. Sprinkle thyme around your home for protection. It can be added to spells for inner strength.

  • Frankincense (Boswellia spp.): Frankincense is beloved by many magical practitioners for its properties related to the purification of sacred space, protection, and spirituality. Burn frankincense resin as incense to purify spaces, protect against negative energies, and enhance spiritual connections.

  • Dragon's Blood (Daemonorops spp.): Dragon’s Blood is another well-loved resin for practitioners of magic; used for protection, empowerment, and love. Dragon's blood resin can be used in protection spells and rituals. Its association with love and empowerment also makes it useful to protect and strengthen relationships.


Protection Charms & Spells for Autumn and Samhain

Acorn/Pinecone Ward: While outdoors, look for acorns and pinecones to create a protective amulet. Charge them with protection in whatever way is most effective for you, visualizing a protective barrier forming around you and your loved ones if you like. Carry this with you as an amulet for protection or place it near the entrance of your home as a protective charm.

Samhain Candle Magic: At night, light a black or white candle and call on whatever forces you normally do for protection. As the flame flickers, you may want to visualize it purifying and protecting your space. You can carve protective symbols or runes on the candle for added potency.

Protection Sachet: Create a protection sachet using a small pouch or cloth. Add a combination of protective herbs like garden sage, rosemary, and mugwort, along with a small crystal such as black tourmaline or hematite. Carry this sachet with you or place it under your pillow for personal protection.

Warding Mirror Spell: Place a small mirror near your front door or on your altar. Announce your intent for the mirror to “bounce back” any negative energy or entity that comes into your space, returning it to wherever it came from.

Warding Chant: Recite a protective chant, such as: "Magical me—body, blood, and bone—I shield myself. I shield my home. Magical protection—by shield and by sword—I conjure a protective ward."


As the autumn season ushers in the magic of the thinning veil, it is essential for many practitioners of magic to focus on protection and warding against negative energies. The herbs and spells mentioned in this article are powerful tools to help practitioners safeguard themselves and their loved ones during this spiritually potent time.


Disclaimer: Safety Precautions for Herbal Magic

Before engaging in herbal magic or using herbs for any magical or medicinal purposes, it is essential to prioritize your safety and well-being. Herbs possess powerful properties that can impact your physical, and mental health. Here are some important safety precautions and considerations to keep in mind:


  • Consult with a Healthcare Professional: If you have any underlying medical conditions, are pregnant, nursing, taking prescription medications, or have allergies, it is crucial to consult with a qualified healthcare professional before using herbs in any form. Some herbs may interact with medications or exacerbate existing health issues.

  • Research Thoroughly: Knowledge is your best ally when working with herbs in magic. Conduct thorough research on the properties, uses, and potential side effects of each herb you plan to use.

  • Allergies and Sensitivities: Be aware of any allergies or sensitivities you may have to certain herbs. Perform a patch test or consult an allergist if you are unsure. Allergic reactions can range from mild skin irritations to severe respiratory issues.

  • Use Caution with Ingestion: While some herbs are safe for consumption in culinary quantities, others can be toxic or harmful when ingested. Never ingest herbs unless you are absolutely certain they are safe for consumption and have been prepared correctly. Always use culinary herbs from trusted sources.

  • Do Not Replace Medical Treatment: Herbal magic should never be used as a substitute for proper medical treatment or advice from healthcare professionals. In cases of serious illness or emergency, seek medical assistance immediately.

  • Children and Pets: Keep herbs and botanicals out of reach of children and pets. Some herbs can be toxic if ingested by animals or small children. Store herbs and magical tools safely.

  • Personal Responsibility: Ultimately, you are responsible for your own safety and well-being when practicing herbal magic. Use common sense and caution, and if you ever feel uncertain about an herb or its use, seek guidance from experienced practitioners or experts.


  • Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham

  • The Green Witch: Your Complete Guide to the Natural Magic of Herbs, Flowers, Essential Oils, and More by Arin Murphy-Hiscock

  • A Witch's Guide to Herbal Folklore and Enchantments by Gerina Dunwich

  • Herb Magic for Beginners by Ellen Dugan

  • The Master Book of Herbalism by Paul Beyerl

Thomasin (they/them) | Thomasin Strange is the owner of Crowsbone Boutique and founder of Broomstraws Arcanium. They have been a practitioner of magic since 1999 and has spent the past ten years focusing on reconnecting with their family’s magical heritage. Thomasin lives with their partner and their shared pets in a haunted hospital-turned-apartment-complex.