Into the Unknown: Celebrating Friday the 13th as a Witch

Friday the 13th is a date that has a long history of association with superstitions and fears, but for witches and practitioners of magic, it can be a day filled with enchantment, mystery, and opportunity. Rather than hiding from black cats or broken mirrors, practitioners of magic can embrace the unique energies of this day to enhance their spiritual practices. Let’s talk about a few ways in which you can celebrate Friday the 13th as a magical practitioner and tap into its energy.


Understanding the Significance

Friday the 13th holds a special place in the magical community due to its combination of two potent elements: Friday and the number 13. Magical associations and correspondences vary from practice to practice (and even from practitioner to practitioner). Lean into your own practice and magical systems when planning your workings based on correspondences, as they may be different from the widely used beliefs shared here. (Which is valid! Even some of our own beliefs and correspondences deviate from what we share with the magical community at large.)

Magical Properties of Friday: Friday is associated with the planet Venus and named after the Norse goddess Frigg, making it a day that celebrates love, beauty, harmony, creativity, divination, and sensuality. It can be a day for manifesting desires, tending the flame of your relationships, divining the future, starting new creative projects, and connecting with the divine feminine.

Magical Properties of the Number 13: 13 is often considered a powerful and sacred number within the magical community. It represents transformation, rebirth, intuition, hidden knowledge, and the cycles of life and death. In some magical systems, the number 13 is often tied to lunar cycles, as there are 13 full moons in a year.


Magical Practices for Friday the 13th

Honoring the Divine Feminine: Since Friday is associated with Venus and Frigg, practitioners can use this day to connect with and honor the divine feminine energy. You can do this through meditation, creating art, or spending time in nature, appreciating the beauty around you. Remember, the concept of the divine feminine in magic and spirituality transcends gender and is not limited to individuals who are assigned female at birth (AFAB), who identify as female, or who are femme presenting. The divine feminine represents a universal energy and archetype that exists within all beings, regardless of gender identity. It embodies qualities such as intuition, compassion, nurturing, creativity, and receptivity, which are not exclusive to any gender. Embracing the divine feminine means connecting with these qualities within oneself and recognizing their importance in achieving balance and harmony. All practitioners, regardless of gender, can tap into the energies of the divine feminine to deepen their spiritual connections and enhance their magical work. Feminine spiritual energy, like magic itself, is inclusive and accessible to all practitioners who seek its wisdom and guidance. Some ideas for honoring the divine feminine on Friday the 13th include:

  • Creating an altar or sacred space for a goddess you wish to incorporate into your life.

  • Meditating on the compassionate, intuitive, creative energies within you.

  • Engaging in self-care rituals.

  • Working to heal or improve your relationships with the important women in your life.

Working with Lunar Energies: Embrace the energy of the number 13 by focusing on lunar magic. Perform moon rituals, charge your crystals under the moonlight, or set intentions related to your personal growth and transformation. This year’s Friday the 13th moon will the a waning crescent, making it the perfect time to start planning New Moon work. Magic for the New Moon may include divination, introspective spirit work, and shadow work, magic for new beginnings, dream work to uncover hidden knowledge, and clearing away stagnant energies.

Divination: Friday the 13th is an excellent time for divination and seeking guidance from the spiritual realm. Use tarot cards, runes, scrying, or other divination tools to gain insights into your path or the energies of the day. Here is an example of a tarot spread that you can use as part of your Friday the 13th observations:

  • A Message from the Feminine Divine: This card represents the qualities of the divine feminine that are particularly relevant for you on this day. It may reveal areas where nurturing, intuition, or creativity can enhance your life or spiritual practice.

  • A Message of Transformation: This card shows what aspects of your life or self are undergoing transformation right now and how this transformation can be embraced.

  • Your Intuition and Inner Wisdom: This card reveals what your intuition is guiding you toward and what inner wisdom you need to pay attention to.

  • Hidden Mysteries: This card uncovers what mysteries or opportunities are currently hidden from your view and waiting to be discovered.

  • Personal Growth: This card highlights an area of personal growth that is significant for you right now and how you can nurture it.

  • Protection and Guidance: As you embrace the energies of this day, it's important to ensure protection and guidance. This card shows how you can protect yourself from negative influences and stay on your chosen path.

  • The Overall Outlook: This final card provides an overall picture of where your current path is headed and the energies that surround you, offering guidance or wisdom related to your current spiritual journey or life path.


Cleansing and Protection: Given the historical superstitions surrounding this date, consider performing a cleansing and protection ritual. Smudge your space with sage, use protective crystals like black tourmaline, and set up wards to safeguard your energy.

Spellwork: Harness the heightened energies of Friday the 13th to cast spells related to love, prosperity, or personal growth. Be sure to set your intentions clearly and work with the elements, herbs, and crystals that resonate with your desired outcome.

Connect with Ancestors: If you have ancestors who practiced witchcraft or had a connection to the magical arts, use this day to honor and connect with them through ancestor veneration rituals or by setting up an ancestor altar.

Gather with Like-Minded Souls: Consider joining or organizing a gathering or meeting with fellow magical practitioners to share experiences, perform rituals, and learn from one another. Group energy can amplify the magic of the day.


Embrace the Magic

Instead of fearing Friday the 13th, as a practitioner of magic, one has the opportunity to embrace the magic that surrounds it. It's a day to celebrate the divine feminine, connect with lunar energies, and perform rituals that align with your intentions and desires. The energies of Friday the 13th can be a catalyst for harnessing your innate power. Whether you're casting spells, working with crystals, or delving into divination, embracing the mysterious energies of Friday the 13th can ensure that it is a day filled with enchantment and transformation.

Thomasin (they/them) | Thomasin Strange is the owner of Crowsbone Boutique and founder of Broomstraws Arcanium. They have been a practitioner of magic since 1999 and has spent the past ten years focusing on reconnecting with their family’s magical heritage. Thomasin lives with their partner and their shared pets in a haunted hospital-turned-apartment-complex.