Posts tagged curios
How I Collect & Use Graveyard Dirt in My Magical Practice

Within this type of traditional magic, true graveyard dirt—that is, soil that is collected from a cemetery—is considered magically significant both because of its connection to the dead and the spirit world, and due to the connection of the cemetery itself to the church. Historically, cemeteries existed in the churchyard, in the space between the church gates and the church itself. Thus, graveyard dirt calls upon the holy forces of the church, as well as the spirits of the people who were accepted by the church and buried within its gates. It can be used for holy purposed, such a protection, banishment and exorcism.

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Collecting & Using Snail Shells in Folk/Traditional Magic

Despite their small size, the snail shell brings a powerful spirit to magical work due to the nature of the shell itself. Firstly, a snail grows its shell over time. Unlike certain kinds of crabs, snails do not outgrow and trade in their shells during their lives. They grow them, increasing their size as they get older and larger. This means that the snail’s connection to its shell is strong, just as another animal’s would be to their heart or their skull. Secondly, the snail’s shell always bears a connection to death. A snail cannot live without its shell. When we find these shells, it means that the snails that inhabited them have died, usually because they’ve been eaten by birds or insects.

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