Posts tagged advanced witchcraft
New Year, New Magical Me: Advancing Your Craft in the New Year

As practitioners of magic, we know that learning never truly stops. With each new year we move through, the magical realm beckons us to explore uncharted territories and deepen our connection to the mystical arts. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner looking to expand your horizons or a novice ready to advance, the exploration of advanced practices can offer profound experiences and new insights that deepen our understanding of magic and strengthen our relationship with the spiritual/magical energies in our lives.

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Magical Goal-Setting: Advancing your Personal Practice

For many practitioners of magic, advancement in one’s craft is something that is self-guided, self-managed, and self-assessed. There are, of course, magical traditions and formal practices that involve initiations and hierarchy. But the majority of magical practitioners are solitary practitioners, learning through research or more informal mentorships. And, for those practitioners, there are few official milestones to help measure one’s progress through their magical journey.

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