Free Printable: Record of Signs & Omens


The interpretation of signs and omens is common in a number of practices and traditions. Sometimes known as augury, the reading of these signs and omens often focuses on events and encounters in the natural world through with the Spirit World communicates with a practitioner. This can occur through encounters with animals, plants, people, and other parts of a practitioner’s surroundings. They are often distinguished from mundane encounters through unusual behavior, gut feelings, or a pattern of reoccurrence.

Our Record of Signs & Omens printable is specifically designed to go beyond merely helping practitioners keep track of omens. Its fields and format are intended to help the practitioner to consider an omen from many different angles (taking into account the regional, cultural and personal significance of a symbol), to learn to distinguish between commonplace encounters and genuine omens, and to keep track of recurring events easily. It is a useful tool for organization as well as for learning.

Using This Form

  • Sign/Symbol: Describe what you saw. Be sure to include any specific notes about color, shape or unique features.

  • Details of Encounter/Event: Record the time, location and date in the gray box; make note of whether the symbol is recurring and if you have any established personal associations related to it. In the white space, record the details of the experience. Include notes about the behavior of the animal/plant/etc or the circumstances that make you think this was a significant symbol. Be should to make note of any significant feelings or thoughts you experienced at the time as well.

  • Regional Significance: What are the local beliefs about the symbol you encountered? Was the symbol in an odd place or behaving in a strange way based on your physical location? For example, was the symbol a bird that is not normally common in the area during the season? Make note of whether the encounter is a common one in the area (such as seeing foxes in rural, wooded areas).

  • Cultural Significance: Use this space to make note of any cultural, familial, or ancestral beliefs you may have about the symbol.

  • Personal Significance: Here, you can record more information about any personal associations you hold for this symbol. For example, if you associate doves with a particular family member who has passed away, or with a specific spirit.

  • Other: This is a space for making another other notes about the possible significance of a symbol. This can be, for instance, folkloric significance or religious symbolism.

  • Initial Interpretation: Record your first thoughts about what this symbol might mean and what the message behind it could be.

  • Follow-Up Divination: If follow-up divination is performed, record the details here.

  • Recurring Occurrences: This log allows you to keep track of additional encounters with the same symbol (helping you to understand the frequency and any possible patterns that may unfold).

As always, this printable is free for personal use and redistribution. Please leave credit intact and consider sharing this post or a link to this post if you download our free resources. All artwork is purchased from digital illustrators on Etsy and used with permission/commercial license.

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