Curios & Symbols for Abundance Magic

 Abundance is a hot topic word in many corners of the magical and spiritual communities. Perusing blogs and websites about magic, one will find a number of spells and rituals dedicated to attracting and manifesting abundance. Now, the word abundance simply means to have a lot of something. Although we may think of abundance as being focused on the amount of wealth we have or have access to, it can also refer to having one’s basic needs comfortably met, having an abundance of joy and happiness, or an abundance of opportunity. Abundance magic can be used to attract more prosperity into your life, bring customers to your business, open the doors for opportunity, or entice a wealth of love, happiness, and friendship into your life.

 As with all things in magic, there are many ways to focus your energy on attracting abundance. And you can use whatever curios, components, supplies, and methods best align with your interests and preferences. In this post, we will talk about both physical and non-physical curios and components to enhance your magical work for abundance, and talk about a few specific workings you can use to attract abundance.  


Magical Curios & Components


Our magical curios and components are the elements, tools and supplies that we use in our magical workings. In general, we think of these things as being our candles, rocks, twigs, and feathers. But magical components can also be non-physical elements—symbols that can be used in non-physical, visualization-based magic.

 It’s important to note that this is not an exhaustive list. And it doesn’t supersede any guidance or associations from within your specific magical tradition. We always recommend that you lean into the associations, correspondences, and lore from your practice, community, and personal preference as the foundation of your magical workings. Rather, this list is intended to help you expand on your own ideas about what to use in your magical workings for abundance, help you to modify existing spells as necessary, and design your own spells with things you may already have on hand. Use your own practice, preferences, and interests as your guide.


Symbols of Abundance

Symbols are laced through magic. We use them in almost everything we do, from spellwork to divination. They can be used as an aspect of physical magic, helping us to choose what candles, herbs, colors, and tools we use. However, they can also be used in non-physical magic through visualization means of working and directing magic.

 Symbols of abundance exist at every level of the natural world and spirit realm. Colors, animals, oils, herbs, and more can all be used in magic to attract abundance. And these symbols don’t have to be used in their natural or physical forms. An animal, for example, associated with abundance can be incorporated into a magical working by using an image of the animal or a figurine. A plant associate with abundance can be used in the form of the plant, a tea, an oil, or a scent.

 The supplies you choose don’t have to be designed for witchcraft, nor do they need to be beautiful or expensive. While tools can be an important element to many practitioners, one’s focus, intention, and energy can do a great deal on their own. (Yes, even if you have difficulty concentrating on your thoughts, intention, or workings.) With the right preparation and power raising (meaning the methods that are the most right and the most powerful for you), a plastic lion from the Dollar Store can be just as powerful, if not more so, than a lion figurine bought from a witchcraft shop.

 Keep these things in mind as you navigate this list and others like it. Almost anything can be used in spells, rituals, and magic. The main focus when it comes to choosing our curios and components is not finding what works best, but finding what works best for us. Here are some things to take into consideration as you choose your supplies:

  • What do you believe in? The items that you have faith in—whether that faith is informed by a specific tradition of magic, a religion or spirituality, a body of folklore, or something else—will always be more powerful to you than a similar item which you do not have as much faith in.

  • What spirits, energies, elements, etc. do you have the strongest relationship with? Although it is certainly not always the case, many practitioners of magic have a magical focus which can have a strong influence on the curios they are drawn to. Over time, this interest in working with those specific spirits, energies and elements can evolve into a very strong and sometimes even exclusive working relationship. For example, a practitioner whose work primarily focuses on herbs and plants may favor the use of herbs and plants in their work over other supplies because they have a strong bond with the spirits and energies of the plant world. This bond or familiarity can bring a lot of power to a magical working.

  • What do you have on hand? For many newcomers to magical practice, it can seem like there are a lot of required supplies for magic. If one simply reads the list of supplies and components in a ritual or spell, it can seem as though the practitioner needs to go out and buy and entirely new set of altar supplies for a single working. That’s not the case. Many times, such spells and rituals come from within magical traditions that have a standardized toolset—meaning that this supplies and tools are things which the majority of the tradition’s practicing membership either has on hand or hand access to. But there are many ways to work around a lack of supplies, including starting with what you have on hand (even if all you have is a pot and kitchen herbs).

  • What is in your budget? Sometimes it is necessary to buy supplies. So consider your budget when deciding on what curios and components to include in a magical working.


Magical Timing

The moon can be used in many ways in magic. One of the most common ways that we see the moon utilized in magical working is through the process of magical timing, which many practitioners of magic use to determine the best or most favorable time of the day, year, month, etc. to perform a given spell or ritual. The moon phases most commonly associated with abundance or attracting abundance are the full moon (when the moon is at its largest, with no shadow obscuring it) and the waxing moon (any of the phases during which the moon is growing larger and the impact of the Earth’s shadow on it is diminishing).

 Similarly, the sun can also be used in magical timing if you choose to time your magic. This can be done in many ways, the most common of them having to do with the time of day and the time of year. Approaching timing by the sun from a cycle-of-the-day perspective, we can associate abundance with the time between sunrise and noon as well as with noon itself. Just as we associate attracting abundance with the growing presence of the moon, we associate it with the increase of sunlight and the ascent of the sun into the sky. If we take the seasonal approach, we associate abundance with the late summer and autumn harvests.

 Going beyond the sun and moon, we can bring other celestial elements into our associations. If astrology is your thing or you are interested in making it your thing, this opens doors to a crazy amount of specification and customization solely based on timing. Both Jupiter (based on its connection with luck and wealth) and Virgo (based on its connection to the harvest and bounty) are strongly associated with abundance of all kinds. This forms a basis for magical timing based on the movement of planets—either as Jupiter moves through houses associated with different areas in your life or as planets associated with different goals and pursuits move through Virgo.



Understanding the significance of colors in magic can help guide our magic workings in many ways. Color associations or correspondences can impact the color candle a practitioner uses or the color cloth they make a charm bag out of. Some practitioners may outfit their entire workspace, their heads, or even their whole bodies in colors that have strong links to their magical goals.

 There are a couple different ways to use colors in abundance magic. There are, of course, colors which are associated with abundance in their own right. These will vary based on the magical tradition and the beliefs associated with it—but there are also non-specific color correspondences that are generally accepted throughout the magical community and utilized by many solitary, self-taught and self-guided practitioners of magic.

 We generally think of abundance as being linked to colors like gold (due to its association with wealth and money) and green (particularly dark green, due to its association with prosperity). Rich, dark browns can also be a symbol of abundance, thanks to their associate with fertility and growth. Purples and indigo can also be a strong aid in abundance magic because of their links to royalty and divinity.

 Alternatively, we can approach colors in abundance magic from another angle, by focusing our color correspondences on the areas of our lives to which we want to attract abundance. Once again, color associations can vary from tradition to tradition, from region to region, and so on; so we recommend leaning into whatever specific guidance your tradition provides for magical associations. If you do not have any specific traditional guidance for colors or are choosing not to use them, here are some of the color associations (as they can be applied to or combined with abundance work) which are generally accepted in the magical community:

  •  Black:  wisdom, renewal, rebirth, fertility, protection, divinity, spiritual wisdom

  • Blue: clarity, communication, intuition, magic, spiritual or higher wisdom, divinity, purification, friendship

  • Brown: new beginnings, friendship, healing, fertility, renewal, rebirth, wealth

  • Gold: attraction, abundance, beauty, happiness, healing, power, prosperity, wealth

  • Green: abundance, attraction, fertility, healing, growth, success, luck, wealth

  • Indigo: spiritual wisdom, divinity, peace, insight

  • Orange: abundance, ambition, justice, success, victory

  • Pink: attraction, friendship, love, romance

  • Purple: wealth, divinity, royalty, power, intuition, knowledge, wisdom

  • Red: power, ambition, fertility, virility, strength

  • White: blessings, new beginnings, happiness, peace, harmony

  • Yellow: change, new beginnings, happiness, friendship, peace



There are many numbers associated with abundance. You may already be familiar with the concept of Angel Numbers or Spirit Numbers, which many believe can be used to send and receive messages from the Spirit Realm. Although many Angel & Spirit Numbers are associated with both physical and spiritual abundance, they may not be feasible to incorporate into your magical work when it comes to things collecting curios or timing your magic. You may not, for example, want to perform a ritual over the course of 888 days or ring a bell 888 times. Fortunately, as with colors, there are many, many ways to use numbers in magical workings—so 888 isn’t the only number you can use to conjure abundance.


  • One (1): One can center almost any magical working on the number one. A single candle, a single coin, a single night—one is a powerful number that symbolizes independence and wholeness. The number one can be used to invoke leadership, healing, wealth, and prosperity.

  • Two (2): The number is often used as a number of balance, pathways, doorways, and opportunities. Consider using the power of the number two when you are working to attract two types of abundance, such as a balance between material and spiritual abundance; or when performing magic to help you move from one phase of life to another.

  • Three (3): Three is a number of upward movement and growth, healing, and rebirth. In addition to this, the number three is often used in magical working to enhance and even seal power as it is considered a sacred number or power number by many cultures and religions.

  • Four (4): The number four is a number associated with celebrations and new phases of life. It can also be used to focus a magical working on manifestation, stability, and removing obstacles from your path. Consider using the number four in abundance magic when you are working to remove blockages or potential curses that may be keeping you from reaching or maintaining a state of abundance.

  • Five (5): Some of the many associations with the number five include change and attraction. Using the number five in abundance magic can be helpful when it comes to drawing abundance, connections, and opportunities into your life. Because it is also sometimes associated with spirits and spirit communication, it may also be useful for abundance magic that calls on the wisdom of a practitioner’s ancestors or spirit guides.

  • Six (6): Six is a number with strong connections to harmony, stability and happiness. Although it is not strictly considered an abundance number, its magical correspondences are completely in line with the kind of peace and well-being that many people describe when they envision a life spiritual and personal abundance.

  • Seven (7): Considered a lucky number by many, the number seven is strongly associated with success, luck, and opportunity. Additionally, the number seven can be used to tap into higher power and intuition, to seek guidance from the spirit world, and to attracted goodness into a practitioner’s life.

  • Eight (8): Eight is the number that is most widely accepted as the number of abundance. It is also associated with inner power, unlocking doors, and tapping into success.

  • Nine (9): Like three, the number nine is considered both sacred and powerful in many corners of the magical and spiritual communities. Nine being three-squared, it has similar associations with growth, success, and power. It is also associated with new beginnings, accomplishment, and success.

  • Ten (10): Ten is often considered a number of wholeness and contentment, again calling on many of the ideas that we might associate with personal and spiritual abundance. The powers associated with the number ten also include culmination, fruition, accomplishment, and unity.



Other curios, natural elements, and symbols which may be connected to abundance and abundance magic include (but aren’t limited to):


  • Seasons: Spring (for new beginnings, rebirth, and opportunities), Summer (for sweet harvest, fruition and fertility), and Autumn (for wealth, bounty, and spiritual abundance)

  • Tarot Cards: The World, The Sun, X of Coins, King of Coins, Queen of Coins, IV of Wands, Ace of Cups, Ace of Coins

  • Magical Element: Earth

  • Magical Tool: Cauldron, Bowl, Chalice

  • Incense: Myrrh, Frankincense, Cinnamon, Sandalwood, Patchouli, Vanilla, Pine

  • Trees: Oak, Olive, Pine, Maple

  • Gems & Stones: Aventurine, Jade, Quartz, Topaz

  • Animals: Cattle Animals (horse, sheep, pig, ox, etc.), Buffalo, Elk, Caribou, Rabbit/Hare, Salmon, Frog, Dragon

  • Birds: Peacock, Goose, Crane, Heron, Hen

  • Fabrics: Silk, Satin

  • Food & Drink: Wine, Mead, Cider, Chocolate, Pork, Beef, Apples, Grain/Wheat, Various Breads, Corn, Grapes, Pomegranate, Mango, and Papaya.


Disclaimer: Each of the Crowsbone writers and guest bloggers has their own magical background, beliefs, traditions and practices. These post represent the opinions, research and beliefs of the individual writers. We do not believe that they represent beliefs and rules associated with all magical practice or witchcraft; nor do they represent the beliefs and opinions of all of the Crowsbone community.