Connecting with the House Wights: Using Tarot to Connect with Your Household Spirits

Practitioners of cottage magic possess a deep connection to their homes and the land around it. Although some may think of this as a connection to the beams and bricks that make up the house itself, many cottage witches also seek to build a connection with the rich spiritual energies that reside in their homes. For those who acknowledge the spirit realm and seek to walk in step with it, household spirits can be a source of peace and comfort as well as powerful magical allies.

Cottage witches can harness the power of divination to forge a deeper bond with their household spirits. Tarot, with its rich symbolism and intuitive guidance, can serve as a bridge between the mundane and the magical, making it a perfect tool for seeking insights from the spirits that protect and inhabit our living spaces.


Connecting with Your Household Spirits


  • The Guardian Spirit: This card represents the primary house spirit or guardian of your home. It signifies their nature and their role in your life.

  • The Wight of the Land: This card symbolizes the land wight or nature spirit that resides in the area around your cottage. It reveals their essence and how they relate to your home.

  • The House Blessings: This card indicates the blessings and positive energies that the house spirits and wights bring to your living space.

  • Offerings and Communication: This card offers guidance on how you can best communicate with and make offerings to your house spirits and wights.

  • Challenges and Needs: This card highlights any challenges or needs that the house spirits and wights may have or areas where they require your attention or assistance.

  • Harmony and Integration: This card suggests how to foster a harmonious relationship with your house spirits and wights, ensuring that you work together for the benefit of your home.


This Tarot spread should help cottage witches establish a deeper connection with the house spirits and house wights that dwell in and around their home, fostering a harmonious and mutually beneficial relationship.

Thomasin (they/them) | Thomasin Strange is the owner of Crowsbone Boutique and founder of Broomstraws Arcanium. They have been a practitioner of magic since 1999 and has spent the past ten years focusing on reconnecting with their family’s magical heritage. Thomasin lives with their partner and their shared pets in a haunted hospital-turned-apartment-complex.